Here's a selection of items that shouldn't break the bank, if posting abroad.
Dialect Paper Napkins (20) (PN01DI)
Regular price £3.95
Scottish Dialect Mini Tray
Scott Inness Big Thistle Napkins 20 (SIPN01BT)
Robin Paper Napkins (20)
McMoo Highland Cow Ceramic Magnet (MAG01TP)
Robert Burns Paper Napkins (PN01RB)
Scotland Paper Napkins (20) PN01SCO
Scott Inness Bramble Thistle Paper Napkins (SIPN01TH)
Playing Cards Wild Thistle design
Playing cards with Tartan unicorn design
Playing Cards with highland Family image
Playing cards with Welcome to Scotland
Playing Cards Highland Cow design (HC)
Playing cards with Cheeky Calf Image
McMoo Highlander Paper Napkins (PN01HIG)
McMoo Hamish Paper Napkins (PN01HAM)
Hares In Love Paper Napkins (PN01HARE)
The McMoo Family Paper Napkins (PN01MF)
The McMoo Miss Thistle Napkins (PN01MISS)
McMoo Highlander Ceramic Magnet with Thermometer (MAG01HIG)
Regular price £3.99